800 grams meat..i used knuckles and neck
3 medium onions chopped
1 n half tblspoons kashmiri chilli powder
Salt to taste
1 tsp turmeric
Half tsp extra turmeric add in boiling water and keep ur cut up potatoes in there till needed.
Half cup yogurt
2 chopped green chillies
1 n quarter tso garam masala powder
Fresh dhania for garnish
1 n half tblspoon garlic n ginger paste
Method ..
Heat less then half cup oil in a pot add in ur chooped onions..meat ..masalas and salt with the garlic n ginger paste…
Mix all well n let cook till meat almst done try n add as little water as possible…
Once meat almst done remove pot from stove befre adding yogurt n potatoes
Reason being that yogurt curdles in hot gravy…
Once potatoes n yogurt is in stir fry a bit then add 1 n half cups bouling water n cook till potatoes done…add chopped chillies andn garam masala powder…fresh dhania when serving.
RECIPE AND PHOTO: Amina Wackie Shaikh