240 g Cake flour
75 g Cocoa powder
10 ml Baking powder
15 ml Bicarb. soda
4 xl Eggs
320 g Sugar
5 ml Vanilla essence
250 ml Mayonnaise
250 ml Water
Sieve dry ingredients. Whisk the eggs and sugar together till ribbon stage. Combine the vanilla essence, mayonnaise and water to the egg and sugar mixture. Than add the dry ingredients also to the mixture and combine with a metal spoon in a glass bowl. Add the batter into a sided greased cake tin lined with only the bottom with baking paper. Bake for +- 45 minutes at 180°c.
600 ml Icing sugar
100 g Butter
70 ml Cocoa powder
5 ml Vanilla essence
Cream butter with a wooden spoon till soft and creamy. Take the cocoa powder and paste it with hot water than add the paste and vanilla essence to the icing…
Recipe and Photo: Ruvan Oree