Hello julle hierdie is my eie koek resep! Wou chocolate mousse maak toe word dit sommer ‘n koek resep! Geniet hom!
½ a can condensmelk
1 teaspoon water
1 slab dark chocolate
2 eggs
1 cup cake flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
330 ml fresh creamPut oven on 180ºC.
Melt chocolate in the microwave till melted and add the water.
Mix the chocolate with the cream.
Add the eggs, flour and baking powder.
Put mix in the two oven cake tins after you sprayed spray and cook.
Bake on 180 ºC for 25-30 min.
Wait to cool.
1 Tin caramel Treat
Top deck Chocolate or any chocolate slab
Put Caramel on top of the first layer.
Put the second layer on top of the first layer.
Cut a hole in the middle of the top layer.
Put Caramel Treat in the middle.
Ice the whole cake with treat.
Grate chocolate on top of the cake.
Put whispers on however you want to decorate it.
Resep en foto: Kristie Smit
Amy Nel – Jammer ek vra, maar is dit water of kondensmelk wat gemeng word met gesmelte choc?
Kristie Smit – dis water die 1 teelepel water word gemeng met die sjokolade voor dit by die room bygevoeg word