OUT OF AFRICA – hot habanero pepper sauce
4 large dark sweet red peppers
8 – 12 yellow or orange habanero peppers
half teaspoon salt
quarter cup vinegar
2 teaspoons brewers yeast
Warm up vinegar ( do not boil), stir in brewers yeast and rest for 10 minutes, remove pips from peppers and habaneros then blend everything until smooth, put in stainless steel pot and bring to boil and keep stiring (must not burn), bring temperature down and simmer for 20 minutes.
Let it cool and liquidize again. ENJOY !!!
This is my personal hot habanero pepper sauce, it is the perfect hot sauce, try it and give me a feedback, you will never buy hot sauce in the supermarket again.
BRON- Eugene Andrew Ferreira
Desiree Bailey: Eugene why do u remove the pips? Any spesific reason
Eugene Andrew Ferreira: It gives you a smoother sauce and also sweet red pepper pios have a sour taste.
Eugene Andrew Ferreira: Just a little note… if you want a sweeter hot sauce, cut red peppers in half and place in a warm oven till it becomes soft, it then releases all its sweetness and flavor.