
150 g butter OR margarine
1 onion, chopped
5 ml crushed garlic
20 ml fish masala
10 ml medium curry-powder
1 kg hake steaks, boned
salt & freshly ground black pepper
30 ml vinegar
100 ml fruit chutney
1 slice of bread, 40 cm thick, soaked in 300 ml milk
30 ml apricot jam
100 g blanched almonds
2 XL eggs (separated)
125 ml milk

Melt butter, saute onion and garlic, stir in masala and curry-powder.
Add fish, fry 10 minutes, stirring continuously.
Remove from heat, add seasoning, vinegar and chutney.
Squeeze bread, reserving milk, crumble and stir into fish mixture.
Add apricot jam and half the almonds.
Whisk egg-whites until stiff, fold carefully into fish mixture.
Spoon mixture into greased ovenproof dish.
Mix egg-yolks with milk, pour over fish.
Stand remaining almonds in fish mixture.
Bake in bain-marie at 180°C for 40 minutes or until bobotie has set.
Recipe: Diane Roode Hancox