Recipes for cold beet soup as a Lithuanian or Polish dish appear in old 19th century cookery books. In the 19th century it was prepared with bouillon, and, in addition to hard-boiled egg, boiled crawfish and pieces of fish or veal were added. In modern recipes cold beet soup doesn’t have meat, thanks to which it is light, refreshing and perfect on a hot summer day.
1 bunch of chard
6 radishes
2 cucumbers
1 bunch of chives
a half bunch of dill
300g of natural yoghurt
300g of kefir
4 eggs
salt and pepper
Clean the chard and mince it finely. Boil it in a small amount of salted water until it is soft. Leave it to cool down. Mince the chives and dill. Clean and peel the cucumbers, cut out the cores and slice them. Slice the radishes just like the cucumbers. Mix the cool soup with the yoghurt and kefir. Add the chives, dill, cucumbers and radishes. Mix them in. Spice it up with salt and pepper. Serve chilled with a hard-boiled egg.
Source: Katarzyna Posłuszny