Rub 90 g Butter into:
Pinch of Salt
Cayenne Pepper (to taste)
1 c Flour
90 g Greated Cheddar Cheese
Press together to form a dough & press out into a tart dish.
1 pkt Dices Bacon / Ham (opsional)
1 & ½ (375g) pkts Fresh Mushrooms
½ Chopped up Green Pepper
1 Chopped up Onion
3 Ex-Large Eggs
1 c Grated Cheddar Cheese
2 c White Sauce
Fry all ingredients together
Make a Cheese Sauce with the grated cheese & white sauce
Add all fried ingredients to the Cheese Sauce
Allow to cool
Beat Eggs & add, mix well
Pour into the unbaked crust
Sprinkle cheese on top & bake at 180C for 40 mins.
RECIPE: Dalina van Heerden
PHOTO: Diane Roode Hancox