Gisteraand het my man vir ons kerrie gemaak soos hy daarvan hou. Hy het die resep iewers op faceboek gevind, ek dink dis een van Fatima Sydow se resepte. Ons het nie van die coriander blare gehou nie en hy kon van die masalas nie kry nie, so dis effe aangepas. Ek het net na die foto geneem is, my piesangstukkies bygevoeg.
1 kg lamb pieces
3 onions, peeled and finely chopped
3 tablespoons oil
4 cardamom pods
3 cinnamon sticks
3 tablespoons finely chopped garlic
1 tablespoon finely grated ginger
1 teaspoon turmeric
3 tablespoons traditional Masala
1 tablespoon Breyani Masala
salt to taste
6 potatoes, peeled and cubed
fresh coriander, optional
Medium heat, add the onions, salt, cardamom, and cinnamon sticks and fry until golden brown.
Add the meat and garlic and ginger and braise for 5-10 minutes. Add 1 cup of hot water, cook for 30-40 minutes on medium heat, stirring occasionally. Next add all the spices, braise and stir for 10 minutes. Adding only a tbsp of water at a time. Add the potatoes and 1 to 2 cups of water and cook until potatoes are soft, stirring when required, garnish with fresh coriander. Serve with roti or white rice.
Recipe posted by Stien Rust
Photo: Stien Rust