One kg brinjal
4 dry red chillis
1tbs cumin seeds
250 ml vinegar
6 cloves garlic
3 green chillis
30 mm fresh root ginger
120ml plus 4tbs salad oil
2 sprigs curry or bay leaves
Half a tsp tumeric powder
115 gram sugar
Slice brinjals and sprinkle with salt keep aside. In a mortar pound together red chillis, cummin and mustard seeds. Mix with a little vinegar to make a smooth paste. Peel and half garlic cloves, slit green chillis lengthwise and slice ginger finely. Heat a little of the oil in a pan and fry garlic, chillis and ginger 3 min. Remove from oil and keep aside. Drain liquid from brinjals and fry til brown and dry. Drain and remove from pan, in a kleen sausepan fry curry leaves and spice paste in remaining oil, for 3 min. Add vinnegar and when nearly boiling add brinjals, garlic, chillis, ginger & tumeric, cook for 2 minutes add sugar and salt to taste and cook for 10 min. Cool and preserve in air tight bottles
Recipe: Naila Karachi
Foto: Paul Snyman